
Creating an eternal impact

We want your students to remember their camp experience because of the way it shaped and help grow
their faith in Jesus Christ, not just because of the fun and fellowship they encountered.

Mission Statement Our Vision Our Committment
At Camp Stead, our mission is to lay a strong biblical foundation for youth group ministry, guiding them not just for the upcoming year, but for many years to come. We strive to encourage steadfastness in God’s truth while inspiring each other to excel in every good work. We aim to foster biblical relationships through dedicated time spent in the preached Word of God. Camp Stead is an ideal environment for any youth group that shares our biblical values and seeks a similar spiritual direction. At Camp Stead, the priority is on qualified biblical preaching. Every activity, from fun and games to worship and relationship-building, is rooted in the primacy of the preached Word. As 1 Corinthians 15:58 says, “Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that our labor is not in vain.”

Join the Church Interest List

If you would like your church to attend Camp Stead, use our Interest Form to get more information.